Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Short story


By Delfina Nadal, November 20009

It was a gloomy day; everyone in San Francisco was inside their houses. Everybody was scared, there was a horrible storm outside and it was raining hard. The animals were behaving strangely that evening. The dogs barked, the rats made noises, the cattle in the country was also nervous.
It was 5:00 when the disastrous thing happened, the city started shaking, the house fell down and the streets broke in two. The inhabitants ran towards underground floors and everything was a mess.
The city shook a whole day, but for the people who suffered it, was almost a year. When they could get out of their hiding places, they saw the dead bodies of the people who had paid their lives to the earthquake and felt sorry for that.
The next earthquake occurred one year later but that’s another story.

Short story


By Paulina Mescia, November 2009

It was Sunday afternoon and I was very bored, I wanted to go to my best friend’s house, Liza. My mother didn’t let me go because she said I had to stay home with my dad because I never see him.
I was very angry with her, so I went to my bedroom. I wanted to cry but a great idea came to my mind, I was going to escape, but how? I thought… If I go to the kitchen my mother was going to see me, so I decided to open the window and escape. It was very exciting; I couldn’t believe what I was doing.
Liza’s house was two blocks from my house so I went walking. When I arrived to her house I told her I had escaped from my house, she was very surprised.
We were playing with some dolls when the telephone rang, it was my mother! .She was asking if someone had seen me. Liza said no but my mother was coming to Liza’s house to visit her mother. I had to do something so with my friend we went to the park, there was nobody. It was almost seven o’clock in the evening and it was getting dark so we went to my house. When our mothers saw us they were mad with us. I promised my mother I would never do it again.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Short story


By Carolyn Symonds

It was Saturday night, and it was stormy and cold. It was also dark and windy; Jennifer had just finished working and she was coming back from the train station. Everything was quiet.
Suddenly she heard a noise, and she continued walking but faster. After two minutes some footsteps, she was nervous. She continued walking but faster and she suddenly stepped a puddle and fell to the floor, she hit her head really hard and she couldn’t even walk. But she continued walking any way.
Some minutes later she heard a very big and strange noise of foot steps on the puddles, and suddenly a SPLASH! She looked back and a man was in the street, he had fallen in a puddle. But the man stood up and started running to her. Jennifer crossed the street running and rang the bell 5 times. The man touched her arm and she screamed, HELP!
Jennifer shouted “leave me alone!”, “please!” she thought that that man was a thief and he wanted to take something from her or worse. The man finally told her “don’t worry, you left your hand bag on the train!.” Jennifer was so relieved she couldn’t believe what had just happened to her. She said to the man that she was very sorry about the misunderstanding. She went inside and drank some chocolate.


Thursday, 5 November 2009

Not a very good film... Better than nothing.
Guy Fawkes on the bonfire!!!Remember, remember, the 5th of November
Gun powder, treason and plot
Burnnnnnnn himmm! poor Guy Fawkes...
Inaugurating the new Inau buildingDancing on the street!
Form VI's eightsome. Each kilt has a different plaid!!!
Hallowe'en, are they irons?
mmmmmmmmm I want one...
How well Loli dances!!! Thanks for your help!

The playground outside our class. Lots of plants and flowers!
Nacho and Martín with the Scottish Dancing clothes (tartan kilt, black vest, garters, cuffs and shirt).

Where's María???!!! More British Week.
Just after finishing the Apollo XI notice board. 50th anniversary of the Landing on the Moon.!!! "One small step for man, a giant leap for mankind" (Louis Armstrong)
And where's MARTIN??? Apollo XI notice board..
Delicious tea, with beautiful china cups...
Scones were also baked for the British Week.
mmmmmmmm, delicious cucumber sandwiches we made for our British Week in September
cooking with valentina